Singing 'Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds' with Hollie
& Leon to teach them French body parts!
If you need further information, have any questions or want to make a booking, you can contact me via phone, email or through my Facebook page.
21 Scalebor Square
Burley In Wharfedale
Terms & Conditions.
• 24 hours' notice of cancellation must be given or half the tuition fee will be incurred.
• Payment for block bookings in advance and individual classes on completion of lesson.
• All payments payable directly to Anna Blakemore.
• Lessons for Key Stage 3, GCSE and A-level will be 1 hour long. If you are late I cannot guarantee I can overrun due to other tutees' lessons and personal commitments.
• Whilst I will do everything I can to improve your grade at GCSE or A-level, I cannot offer any guarantees of specific results.